Selasa, 22 Februari 2011


This is the new segment of LX a.k.a Lifestyle X'nter guys!
This segment will review all the showcase from concert, opera, drama, exhibition that happens in Indonesia only!!
So, coz this is the first, hope you can comment bout this segment :D
FYI *For Your Information* : all English :D
----------------------------------------------------- danke ----------------------------------------------------

"Kisah Cinta Anak Koruptor dan Pacarnya"
( Grafter's Son and His Girlfriend 's Love Story )

Genre    : Pop Opera
Date      : February 18th, 19th, 20th 2011
Place     : Graha Bakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki
Director : Sys NS
Actors   : ‎Gilang Idol, Mario 'Kahitna' Ginanjar, Rini Idol, Tantry Agung Dewayani, Mucle, Iwa K, Mela Austen, Ray Sahetapy, Ophie
                    Danzo, Sujiwo Tejo, Denni Chaplin, Mia Topodade, Ratna Listy, Lia Emilia, Deddy Permanasakti, Vivien Vania, Kiki, Ajeng
                    Kraton, Nelly Octavia, Ikke Pietsz, plus 40 dancers.
Site       :
Only in Indonesia :D

Let's begin reviewing :D
     This is a pop opera. Commonly we know about opera. But about pop opera? Let's talk lil bit bout it:D According to "WARTA KORUPTOR" (a magazine that specially printed only for this show), pop opera is the other genre of opera. This type can be consumed by all types of people in Indonesia or entire world (no matter poor, dumb, smart, rich, high-educated, etc). "Kisah Cinta Anak Koruptor dan Pacarnya" is one of the pop operas :D and maybe the first pop opera ever in Indonesia. Don't misunderstand with a musical drama. In  pop opera, all the lines are showed by singing, dancing, and everything as the opera but the difference is in the music style. Pop opera's genre is pop, but opera's is classical. Then musical, is a drama and be attached with songs but the lyrics are not the same with the lines on musical. That's the explanation between opera, pop opera and musical drama. Hope you'll not get bored :P

     "Kisah Cinta Anak Koruptor dan Pacarnya" has 15+ scenes that always showed with the music (with pop genre of course). All of the scenes told about the grafter's son, Gerhana Yagranindita, son of the biggest grafter, Sayanda Trangibhumi, Gerhana's girlfriend, and all of their life. On the first act, open with a message from the grafter's father (Gerhana's grandpa) that a hope that the grafter has to conquer Indonesia with anyways even cheating. Then, the story flowed to the act where Ki Dalang (the puppeteer of the story) tells a story about the grafter. It continued to the grafter's family stories, Sayanda's effort to destroy grafting, the grafting itself, and everything that supported the story.

     The story is easy to understand by the people that watched this opera. All of the lines are modified into a great songs that will capture your mind and your auditory sense. The songs itself are recycled from the old Indonesian songs that known on mid 80s - 90s. Two of them are "Kolam Susu" by Koes Plus and "Dekodel - kodel" by Sersan Prambors. With all of these combinations and dances, make this opera be the great opera I've ever watched :D The love story is tilled carefully and not erased the message on the opera itself. "Aku memang cinta mati sama kamu, tapi sumpah mati aku lebih cinta sama negeri ini" (I love you so much, but I swear, I love this country more than everything I love) is the message that Sys NS try to revealed on this opera.

     To sum up, this pop opera get five star from me, coz I never watch the pop opera before but still, I'll remember this one forever :D Good job all the crews, actors, actresses and everyone that involved in this opera :D two thumbs up for you!!!

Tickets from the opera :D
A great experience!
By Indonesian and only in Indonesia :"D

P.S : coz it's the 1st, please give some suggestions :D danke^^

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